How to be successful in life? This is a question we cannot help but contemplate on. There are times when success seems nonexistent in our lives. We set myriad goals but there are days when we feel discouraged because such aspirations appear to be unattainable. If you think that nothing spectacular is happening in your life, you might want to evaluate your routine and check if you are engaging in these self-sabotaging habits.
You don’t have a concrete plan for your future
While the saying “YOLO or You Only Live Once” is deemed famous, failing to come up with a plan for your future is a shortcut to failure. If you don’t like writing down things, try vision boards. Nonetheless, don’t despair if unforeseen circumstances alter your plan because life has a way of changing even the most carefully formulated blueprints. Remember that you can always readjust your plan.
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You’re always waiting for the “right” time
If you are asking how to be successful but afraid to take risks, it’s time to take a leap. Successful people do not wait for the right opportunity to land on their laps. Instead of being idle, they continuously search for avenues where they can exhibit their skills and talents. Don’t sit around and wait because other opportunities might have already passed without your knowledge.
You let pessimistic thoughts derail your efforts
If you are trapped in a vicious cycle of seeing the worst in the world, it will show up in your actions. You can’t expect to attract good things in your life if you think that everyone’s out to get you. Do not let negative thoughts cloud your judgment. By changing your thought processes, you will be more inspired to accomplish your purpose.
You have a fascination for making excuses
Do you have a fascination for conjuring up excuses for your failures? While blaming other things is an easy way to justify a failure, this habit does not promote a winning attitude. When you fail to do something, take responsibility, recognise what went wrong, and vow to do your best the next time.
Terrence Tey, one of Appco Group Asia Organisational Heads, has stellar advice about handling failures: “Mistakes will happen throughout your journey to achieving your goals but accepting mistakes, understanding what happened and learning from them is essential to permanently become better.”
You are afraid to speak up
Always going with the flow because you are afraid to speak up and be criticised won’t get you far. Successful people are not easily intimidated. They give valuable input not because they want to steal the spotlight but because they believe that their opinions will yield an efficient outcome.
You do not celebrate other people’s successes
Those who are on the right path to success do not underestimate other people’s accomplishments. Being insecure is not good for one’s heart. It’s better to be genuinely happy for other people’s achievements because it shows that you are secured of who you are.
Overcoming these habits might look insurmountable but at the end of the day, you are the engineer of your own success.
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